Monday, 12 May 2014

Knowing Oneself is the Ultimate Power....Sahar Gharachorloo (Life Coach, Past Life regression therapist,Inner Child Therapist, Silva Ultramind ESP Trainer, Law of Attraction Trainer, Coffee Cup Reader , Magnified healer, Pranic healing/ Crystal Healing & /Quantum Jumping & Access Consciousness Bars Facilitator, Reiki Grandmaster)

I am being continuously asked similar questions by people who want to join any course or workshop or meditation session , which made me write here , maybe a larger group would benefit, questions are often ; " If I learn this can I know about the other person's intention?can I read their mind ? can I see the future? How powerful I would become?"

My answer to all such questions is we meditate or doworkshops on Soul n energy related topics to realize our selves not to read minds, we need to know ourselves, our own intentions and our own true potential.

We meditate to hear the innerself not to become powerful n read minds, though the psychic ability improves but that's a side effect not the aim.
We do not need to become powerful, we just need to become aware beings everything would follow, we do not need to know the future, we can create it ......and that is what I would call "Powerful", when you work on yourself and become the true being you are everything else changes and becomes blissful .....loads of love to all , just remember the change needs to come from within you and rest would be a Blissful journey ....Ease, joy &Glory !!!