We often hear people saying enjoy the moment, live in the present ,I used to wonder how am I supposed to do that !!!! Am I not supposed to plan the future ?? Earn money? How would I enjoy the present if I can not create a better future? If I am supposed to just enjoy the present who would do things for a better future?? Makes sense, isn't it?
For many many years these thoughts were dueling in my head till I learnt to meditate, of course it is heavenly to meditate , it makes life more peaceful but there were still times that I would get worried and stressed and the same questions would come back hovering in my head....Still in search of the answer and learning to be in the present .
Till one beautiful day a knowing made its presence felt ....living in the present and enjoying every moment was no more difficult , all that I had to do was being an aware being, living from consciousness and not from judgements .... living in allowance !!!
I felt I had known it all and all that I need to do was to watch myself and to be non judgmental, to be open to all possibilities and just let everything flow....it was working, I was getting a hang of it but I felt something was still amiss ....
where was I going wrong ??? Why were there lapses?
And the answer came in a retreat I attended...
I was practicing to watch myself and be non judgmental whenever there was a negative charge to my judgement , I was not watching myself when my judgement was too positive for a person or a situation....Judgement is a judgement no matter if it is positive or negative and when you judge someone/some incident in any one way you have concluded and closed the doors to your awareness ....then you no more live in the present , you live by assumptions, you live by conclusions, you live either in the past referring to your memories/conditioning or point of reference or you live in the future limiting yourself to what the conscious mind thinks is possible ....You block yourself from knowing , from being , from receiving which means you no more can be in the moment ....You no more receive help from your higher self ....you no more enjoy the gift of the Present !!!!
Be aware, be in the present ...
This is just an interesting point of view