Live your life as if today was your last day !!
Yes I know you must have read and heard this many times and even
encounter some few fancy answers but really think about it , can you
think of it and answer from joy n vitality?
How many of us lives
life that way? Do you remember when you were a kid? What all you used to
do ? How free you were without being bothered about who thinks what
about you? That's what I am talking
about? Can you re-live your childhood once again ? The same way? You
were not wrong even then , so what happened? Why do we think so much?
Why have we changed ?
Just think of the things you used to do as a
child or in your teenage that would keep you engaged for whole day and
make you so happy, so alive and so joyful.....That's what I am talking
I am not talking about being on beach or on an Iceland if
that does not work for you, I am talking about something that makes you
feel alive, I remember reading all night long was so good, for me just
having Turkish coffee with my mom was heaven, and now when I think it is
my last day and I want to be alive I feel I want to be on stage, doing a
last workshop as that makes me feel alive ....So go by what makes you
feel alive , what makes you feel joy and create those moments again
Give yourself those moments ....Live your life the way you
feel most vital, most joyous! Take an hour a day out for yourself and at
least a day in a month and start to live again .
Law of Attraction Trainer ( from Golden Inspiration ) -Motivational Speaker. Pranic Healing, Distant Healing, Psychotherapy, Crystal and Quartz Healing. Reiki Healing and Teaching (all levels). Magnified Healing, Dowsing, Emotional Release Therapy (ERT/EFT). Coffee Reading and Card Reading.