Friday, 3 October 2014

Beyond The Law Of Attraction ....Sahar Gharachorloo -Chandigarh India

Belief Belief are the same thing.

You need something more than just simple theoretical knowledge to bring a positive change in your life. You need to put these theories into practice , which means that you will have to assume the responsibility for your own well-being and stop blaming others for all the negativity in your life .
In the long term accepting responsibility for your actions is itself a successful strategy, as it opens the doors to a series of absolutely new possibilities for you to succeed. And success implies to health , money , happiness and contentment....

Tuesday, 30 September 2014

Forgive to set yourself free ....Tales from a Past Life Regression Therapist's diary ....Sahar Gharachorloo

Forgive and set yourself free....
Photo: Most of the people come to us ( Therapists n Hoilstic healers) after they have tried almost everything and when they think nothing can work ....Their statement starts " I have tried all possible remedies and treatments , someone suggested I should see you and I thought; one last try ".
They come with almost zero hope , exhausted , tired of trying and usually they wonder why is this happening to them ? 

One such client came to me , he was disturbed , actually  broke as he put it, he said I am down financially , relationships don't work and people back stab me . After hearing him we decided to go for a past life regression .
He regressed 3 lives , in one life he betrayed his brother for the money and the estates , not only that he had an illicit relationship with his brother's wife and also betrayed the woman ( another wonan)who truly loved him . The second life was were he was a king where he was very loved by his people but he was betrayed by his soldiers and died , we regressed to a third life which was the root cause of trust issue , it was a life where as a child he watched his whole family being brutally killed and his home destroyed by the other tribe men as they wanted the power. The person behind the family killing was a paternal uncle who wanted to be head of the tribe so he killed the entire family , the child was left behind , bitter, alone , scared and had to run for his life , he was uprooted totally , later the child once grown up went back and took revenge by killing all 17 people involved in the killing of his family but he  had no remorse in LBL. 
The lesson from the masters was forgive to set yourself free. The healing and forgiveness was done . 
Few days back after almost a month he sent me a message , he is feeling better, he is moving out of a relationship which he is aware  is not leading them anywhere , has found a new job with a very promising portfolio .

It's so interesting how these healing modalities shift our awareness and open new doors .
Most of the people come to us ( Therapists n Hoilstic healers) after they have tried almost everything and when they think nothing can work ....Their statement starts " I have tried all possible remedies and treatments , someone suggested I should see you and I thought; one last try ".
They come with almost zero hope , exhausted , tired of trying and usually they wonder why is this happening to them ?

One such client came to me , he was disturbed , actually broke as he put it, he said I am down financially , relationships don't work and people back stab me . After hearing him we decided to go for a past life regression .
He regressed 3 lives , in one life he betrayed his brother for the money and the estates , not only that he had an illicit relationship with his brother's wife and also betrayed the woman ( another wonan)who truly loved him . The second life was were he was a king where he was very loved by his people but he was betrayed by his soldiers and died , we regressed to a third life which was the root cause of trust issue , it was a life where as a child he watched his whole family being brutally killed and his home destroyed by the other tribe men as they wanted the power. The person behind the family killing was a paternal uncle who wanted to be head of the tribe so he killed the entire family , the child was left behind , bitter, alone , scared and had to run for his life , he was uprooted totally , later the child once grown up went back and took revenge by killing all 17 people involved in the killing of his family but he had no remorse in LBL.
The lesson from the masters was forgive to set yourself free. The healing and forgiveness was done .
Few days back after almost a month he sent me a message , he is feeling better, he is moving out of a relationship which he is aware is not leading them anywhere , has found a new job with a very promising portfolio .

It's so interesting how these healing modalities shift our awareness and open new doors .

The Psychology of the disease ...We plan our diseases too !! by Sahar Gharachorloo ( Therapist , Life coach < Motivational Speaker , Past Life Regression Therapist , Inner Child & Re-birthing Breathworker therapist, Silva Ultramind ESP Instructor , Law of Attraction Trainer , Reiki Grandmaster ,& Practitioner of over 25 holistic healing modalities

Everything that happens in our lives is planned by us before we decide to come to this earth , saying so even our diseases .
A client of mine came to me last year, as we got through the consultation she told me that out of the blue , just before her marriage her kidneys had failed and she had to undergo a kidney transplant ....
We did some therapies together , she did some workshops with me and then she started to read and look at this physical reality with a better sense of awareness ...
Just few days back I sensed that now she is ready and capable of changing her reality , I had waited for over a year to be able to tell her that your health issue is your creation , you can undo it !!
She asked me again , why do you think I had the kidney problem just before my marriage ?
Waiting so long I jumped at the opportunity and told her "maybe because you knew it is going to be a difficult marriage and you decided this dis-ease in order to gain sympathy , attention and to also ensure the marriage is saved ? Does this resonate with you ? "
She then started to recall all the events and told me from a very early age she always thought to herself that my marriage is not going to be easy , why can't my parents know that ? And just a month or so before marriage her both kidneys had failed without any illness , without any prior history , she said when I was in operation theatre I knew I am going to be fine and this was temporary .

Today all her reports are normal , after the realization and acceptance of her spouse as he is and acceptance of her marriage as it is .She is surprised but while connecting the dots she has been able to see it clearly . She feels empowered , she knows she can uncreate anything .

Similarly if we all understand how powerful a creator we are , every single one of us can change his/ her reality .
The idea is to know, acknowledge , accept and practice the power within . To see everything from an observer's point of view , to have no judgement of self and others , to be in now and here , to go deeper into the self , all answers and solutions stays within , waiting for us to connect .

Tuesday, 23 September 2014

Know yourself ~ Inner Wisdom Sahar Gharachorloo

Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom ~ Aristotle 

Who looks outside, dreams ; who looks inside, awakes ~ Carl Jung

There has to be something that all the great names in the history of mankind no matter if philosophers , scientists or psychologists they all insist on knowing the self , they all insist on introspection , they all insist of being aware of the self in order to know the world , in order to do better in life , in order to have peace .

And still most of us are hell bent upon knowing more about others , changing others , wanting everyone and everything around us to change for us to be happy , successful and at peace !!

Well , I have got bad news , unless you do your homework and do work on yourself you would not have the peace and happiness , you would not be at ease , you may have more and do more but you would miss your own very essence of being ....You will miss your uniqueness in the quest of trying to be like others , you may even forget being yourself since you are always focusing on others .

Maybe this simple example would make it more clear ....Most of us travel , we all love traveling , it's so much fun to see new places !! Thanks to all the doings and having beliefs most of us can afford luxury trips , staying in good places , eating well , shopping etc. Do you agree ?

But what is the first thing you say when you come back to your home ? Usually we hear people say " home sweet home" or "nothing like the comfort of your own home" ....etc ! We hear and say such phrases after reaching home , isn't it?

Well , being yourself and knowing yourself is like being home ....Our achievements , measures of success if based on having more and doing more are like that luxury trip , we enjoy it , love it , keep memories of it but it's temporary ....within few months it's over , we would want to go to another destination ....Because those are not home , those are not Our essence, they don't belong to us , we don't feel that we belong to them ....Our possessions and success own us , we don't own them ! 
We own our very self , that is home , that is what we are ....When you pursue your passion and you follow your calling then you are free , no amount of success, money , name and fame can own you because you know you can create more of the same , because you know there would be abundance and no one can take it away from you , you would do everything with ease without the fear of loosing it ....
Come back home dear , come back to yourself and discover the powerful creator you are ....Create the life you love , create what you want with ease & joy ....

Past Life Regression & Soulmate Concept ~ Sahar Gharachorloo India

We often have a mis-conception about soulmates and twin souls....It's not necessary that a Soul mate will be a romantic partner or a person who would never hurt you , often soul mates take the roles in your life that would bring you most important lessons and learnings ! 
In your sacred contract they would agree to come to you and mirror you in order to help you evolve ....

Photo: We often have a mis conception about soulmates and twin souls....It's not necessary that a Soul mate will be a romantic partner or a person who wld never hurt you , often soulmates take the roles in your life that would bring you most important lessons and learnings ! 
In your sacred contract they would agree to come to you and mirror you in order to help you evolve ....

Past Life Regression ~ Sahar Gharachorloo

Most of the times people who see past lives see themselves as victims ,( including myself in the initial stage of my work ), even if they see a past life in which they were the perpetrator they would see the nice side of that character or role , this is a result of this physical reality's polarity concept . We are so conditioned that we need to behave well , be good , be righteous, be positive etc that we refuse to see all that we are . The subconscious is so trained over many many life times that despite starting to be more aware , despite sometimes so desperately wanting to look for answers most of us do not wish to see the other pole ....the so called , negative , dark , bad side of us.
The truth is there is no good and bad,no right n wrong ,no dark and light ....Everything is one!!
unless we understand and embrace all of that we are , the dark , the light , the victim and the perpetrator , the good the bad ,we would not be one with all that is , we would not have a full experience of our being .
In a self regression session recently I saw two perpetrator lives , I had gross lives and even worse deaths and when in LBL( Life between Life ) I saw both parts of me that I had divorced waiting to join me and be back with me , I clearly got the sense of awareness the other two light beings are non but my own discarded self which finally i integrated ,it's a very recent session so I would not know how my life would change with this session but I am sure it would be a whole new life , more comfortable with my self and more whole ....Would share as and when I get awareness and the connections.... I also recognized 3 people from this lifetime who had been betrayed by me in that life and they had in return betrayed me ....It's so interesting when the dots start to connect ....

Friday, 12 September 2014

July & August Workshop Pictures ...( Past Life Regression Workshop , Inner Child workshop , Silva Ultramind ESP , Law Of Attraction , Coffee Cup reading & Numerology ) By Sahar Gharachorloo

Completed a 2 days Past Life Regression workshop ( The last workshop of Aug 2014)  ....Had easy , medium and difficult participants ....Feeling so blessed that I was given an opportunity to facilitate ....Thank you Universe , all my teachers and all family and friends ...
Every workshop opens New doors , teaches New lessons , brings new sense of awareness !!!!
Love n Light
In absolute gratitude !!!!
May the earth be back on its plan , May mother earth be blessed with loving kindness , with love , peace and joy ....May mother earth be Healed.

 Lots Of Fun at Silva Ultramind ESP Workshop !!

 Silva Ultramind ESP workshop in Delhi & Chandigarh !!

The Inner Child Workshop ...Chandigarh !!

Law Of Attraction Workshop Delhi ...

Coffee Cup reading Workshop ...

 Inner Child Workshop ...

Inner Child Workshop ...

Past Life Regression Workshop ...

 2 months of Continuous workshops , meeting amazing people , Life is a beautiful blessing ...Enjoy every Moment, be aware , be conscious of your uniqueness ...Be You !!!Change the World.

I wish ... Learning humanity In schools ....Sahar Gharachorloo

I wish .....
I wish the same way we were taught to do maths and physics in schools we were taught what's the truth of life .
I wish we were taught how to love , how to live and how to be aware beings instead of just teaching us how to compete more ,how to collect more and how to have more ...

I wish instead of 4 hours in a week for maths we had spent 40 minutes teaching kids that they are the creators , that there is enough for everyone on this planet ,that there is abundance of everything, that we are responsible for ourselves and each other , that life was about being more not having more , that we can have it all if we know how to live more.....

I wish instead of spending 2 hours in d class and learn social studies they would make us go 15 minutes on the road and teach us how we can be of help to the society , the society that is infected with jealousy , competition ,lack of humanity ....
Instead of making us know where Africa is and how hungry their people are they would take us on the roads and help us feed a poor .
Instead of asking parents to get more fancy stuff to share in class they would ask parents to send extra food to help a needy kid on the way to school ....
It's amazing how much we all can do yet we all sit back and watch ...
I wish...
NO !!!! I no more wish , I am going to do my bit , what about you ????

All that we have is our moment ....Live it ! Love It ! Sahar Gharachorloo

I must share this beautiful forward...
A man died...

When he realized it, he saw God coming closer with a suitcase in his hand.

Dialog between God and Dead Man:

God: Alright son, it’s time to go

Man: So soon? I had a lot of plans...

God: I am sorry but, it’s time to go

Man: What do you have in that suitcase?

God: Your belongings

Man: My belongings? You mean my things... Clothes... money...

God: Those things were never yours, they belong to the Earth

Man: Is it my memories?

God: No. They belong to Time

Man: Is it my talent?

God: No. They belong to Circumstance

Man: Is it my friends and family?

God: No son. They belong to the Path you travelled

Man: Is it my wife and children?

God: No. they belong to your Heart

Man: Then it must be my body

God: No No... It belongs to Dust

Man: Then surely it must be my Soul!

God: You are sadly mistaken son. Your Soul belongs to me.

Man with tears in his eyes and full of fear took the suitcase from the God's hand and opened it...


With heartbroken and tears down his cheek he asks God...

Man: I never owned anything?

God: That’s Right. You never owned anything.

Man: Then? What was mine?

God: your MOMENTS.
Every moment you lived was yours.

Life is just a Moment.

Live it...
Love it...

Detachment brings Inner peace !!! Sahar Gharachorloo ( Life Coach, Silva Ultramind ESP Instructor , Reiki Grandmaster , Law of Attraction Trainer , Past Life regression/Inner child/ Rebirthing breathwork facilitator & Trainer, Pranic Healer, Quantim Jumping facilitator , Crystal Ball Gazer, Coffee cup reader and trainer , Access Consciousness Bars Facilitator )

People often ask how can I be detached ? Won't I be selfish if I am detached ? What would people think if I stop to care ? How can I be human if I am detached ?
There are many more questions that pop up the moment I tell people that they need to be detached , there is so much confusion around this word...

Here it is , a simple explanation! Detachment does not mean you cease to be kind, caring or human as people put it , detaching yourself simply means be an observer , do not attach too much energy and emotion to what's going on , you can still be kind , generous , helpful & Human ! 

You don't have to get bugged down , stressed, angry , hurt , bitter and feel helpless to prove you are nice or to feel the humanity within. Have you ever heard a nurse getting stressed about how a patient is feeling or a doctor starting to cry at a sight of a child who is dis-eased? No ! Not because they are not human and they don't have a heart neither it means because they are not getting emotional they can't do a good job.... They simply have practice , if they start crying with the patient and start to mourn and involve too much emotion who will do the treatment ? They observe , examine and do their best and move to another patient , they don't get stuck .

We need to be that doctor/ nurse of our life and our life events. Every time in a situation of dis-ease we need to observe , examine , do our best and move to the next moment of life , next challenge of life without getting emotional .
We need to help everyone that we possibly can if they are ready to receive help without getting bugged , disturbed , worried , without becoming bitter, sad , angry and hurt . Our peace ends when we get emotionally involved in a situation , we need to practice to be a detached observer in order to have the happiness and peace we all are continuously striving for.

Happy detaching ....

Friday, 8 August 2014

Love brings out the Best in Us...Act from love for a healthier YOU ....Sahar Gharachorloo

We have heard of " live & let live " many times , some of us keep saying it like a mantra !! 
But do we truly understand what we are chanting/ preaching ? Something tells me we don't and once I finish I am positive you would think about it too ....

Most of human issues are result of the fight for power and control . Out of every 10 person I meet 9.5  says I believe in "live and let live " and then we get talking more and more and all that I hear is about not having control , not getting what is expected from others , not having enough ...This problem of control is in all races , and has been there across all eras and in every discipline and religion human has been practicing , we all feel what we do is correct , what we think is most suitable and we can only achieve more and be more successful if we control more and we are listened to more .
From the extent of child-patent relationship to relation between countries even the most democratic countries we do not practice what we preach .

This thirst for power and control has given birth to jealousy , competition, manipulation and at a larger scale to wars and total destruction ,the list would just go on . Now let's imagine if we all do otherwise , in order to feel powered and do excellent we start to act from love , if we help each other to bring the best out in each other , would there be any competition? 

Imagine this world as one big treatment center where everyone is a therapist and everyone is a patient and we all are continuously helping each other to become better and better and collectively we bring the best out of each other ....Won't life be easier ? More fun? Won't we have more time to pursue what we wish to do ? Won't we live healthier , more radiant lives ?
I believe it is possible, all that we need is to accept our uniqueness and believe there is abundance of everything in this universe ....everything for everyone and in abundance ....Then we can say I believe in "Live & let Live "
What do you think?

Be You ....Believe in yourself !!

Believe in yourself ...
Believe that you can ....
Believe that you are worth it ...
Believe that everything you desire is available to you ....
Believe that you can choose ....
What people call luck is nothing but the Choices we make while trusting ourselves and our abilities , the Choices we make with absolute faith in ourselves and the Universe ....

Self Love leads to Loving Life ....Sahar Gharachorloo ( Law of Attraction trainer , Silva UltraMind ESP, Life Coach, Inner child Therapist , Rebirthing breathworker, Past Life Regression therapist , Reiki Grandmaster, Pranic Healing practitioner, Access Consciousness facilitator (The Bars), Crystal Healer , Coffee cup and card reader, Crystal Ball Gazer, EFT/TFT Facilitator )

"Nothing happens by accident ...Not a leaf moves without his will ".
We often hear this phrase ,but have you wondered if this is so then why do we meet people that we do not like at the first site or why do we get into situations that turns our world upside down ? Why do we keep meeting people we do not like? Why is there room for pain in such a divine plan?
I am sure there would be many such questions and all can't be answered on this platform ....not today !!! but hopefully soon .
Today I like to answer the question about people we do not like 
Well, it seems every single person we meet has a message for us and apparently the ones we do not like have a bigger, more important message for us, they mirror us and bring to our awareness what we don't want to see about ourselves , so next time you dislike someone or someone's behavior just watch more deeply , you would know what in that person is your mirror. And once you change that you would be at comfort zone with that person ...Also remember forgiving others would not happen unless you forgive and accept yourself fully .
For the next 7 days every morning stand in front of a mirror , gaze into your own eyes and repeat :
" I am sorry, I love you & Thank you " and watch your aura expand ....
Happy Conscious living ....Have a blessed day !!!

Wednesday, 6 August 2014

Abundance is everywhere ....Only if we know how to receive

There is so much help in and around us much available to us , the Universe offering us everything in abundance !!!!
...only if we open our Mind to perceive !!!!
...only if we open our eyes to see!!!
...only if we open our arms to receive!!!

Conscious Living , Being In Allowance ...

It's interesting how most of us fake everything including being in allowance yourself closely !!! Is it really allowance or another false wall of barriers that's blinding your awareness ....

How to start your day ....Sahar Gharachorloo ( Therapist & Life Coach , Law of Attraction trainer , Reiki Grandmaster , Silva Ultramind ESP Instructor and facilitator of 25 modalities )

Waking up in the morning ....
We can alter a lot in life by altering small little things which is a part of conscious living and one is how we start our day ! It's a good idea to take a few minutes before jumping out of the bed and rushing through the day . As soon as we wake up our brain stays in the Alpha level for a few minutes , alpha state is the meditative state and scientifically a state of mind where both left & right brain hemispheres are balanced. When we function at alpha we are more connected with the Universe... It's a good idea to remain in bed , revise your Goals, revise  your day , take a few deep breath followed by a warm glass of honey-lemon water before you rush for the day ...Try it and notice the change ....Good Morning !!

Friday, 18 July 2014

Come On Inner Peace I don't have all Day .....Sahar Gharachorloo

Come on Inner peace , I don't have all Day!

Most of us are in so much hurry to do everything!!! we want to grow fast , finish school asap , finish college asap, get the first job asap, get the first promotion asap and so on much so that we want the Inner Peace asap too.

Being from a corporate background I can relate to this ASAP very well , it's just that when I look back at life I hardly have any memories , even when the success and achievement came along I was in so much hurry to do the next task and climb the next step that I rarely had time to feel the joy of success , I rarely had time to share my achievements.
Why do we do this ? Why do we forget to live life ?
We are always on the fast forward mode and at one point of time we exhaust all internal & external resources and then we feel we need to take help . We are so used to not living life that when we are looking at treating our stress , or solving our problems or even when we are looking at Inner peace and going back to finding how to live life , we want that to happen ASAP too.

It's interesting when we give our work and our boss years and years and we over work everyday , spend 8-10 hours of everyday in order to help the organization grow and in return we take a salary home with side effects such as stress , frustration etc but when it comes to ourselves and our bodies we are always short of time , we usually do not have time for ourselves . Let's take out time for ourselves , let's appreciate our body , let's take small steps , the journey maybe slower but for sure more pleasurable , let's celebrate our achievements , let's be more loving and tolerant of our selves ....Let's quit existing and start living !!!!
If you learn to live life ,you would not need to run after inner peace , It would blossom on its on.

Let's Celebrate Life every minute , every second !!! Let's be in love with It!!``Sahar Gharachorloo

Workshop on Law Of Attraction ....July 2014- New Delhi (Sahar Gharachorloo)

Usually we pray when we are sad, upset and frustrated , let's pray when we are happy , not because we need to please God, Universe or whoever we pray to but because when we pray while being sad we are praying from the emotion of sadness so we create more sadness ....Universe and it's laws are very simple but our beloved limited brain makes it complicated . Let's think!! have you ever seen an Apple tree come to fruitation and then create orange ? It's not possible ....So the seed of sadness too can only create Sadness .

Pray for what you want when you are happy and you would receive it happily and you would create more happiness....

Happy creating !!!!
Law Of Attraction works only if you know how to apply it !!

Workshop on "Law of Attraction"

This workshop will open your eyes, Touch your Heart and will change your life for ever.
This beautiful one day workshop focuses on :
**Understanding "The Secret" of achieving all that you desire
Discovering your true potential and uncovering your own ocean of possibilities.
**Attracting positive & healthy relationships and improving the existing ones.
**Goal prioritizing & techniques to achieve both personal n professional Goals.
**Money blue print & understanding our relationship with money & how to create more money.
**Developing your 6th sense exercise
** learn to make your own affirmation and how to change your thought process for a healthier you and healthier life.
** chakras and chakra balancing exercise.

Date: 28th & 29th July
Time: 10 am to 6 pm.
Venue : New Delhi
EE: 11000

With Sahar Gharachorloo 

Tuesday, 15 July 2014

Why do people please others ?....Sahar Gharachorloo ~Therapist

Caring Vs. Pleasing ....

Pleasing is when the person has been conditioned that unless he behaves a certain way he would not be accepted and be considered good enough , it comes from self judgement , conditioning, feeling of not good enough , a people pleaser is not doing something because he likes it , he does things in order to be liked .....caring comes from compassion n is real and it is done when necessary however it may have underlining of attachment to it.

Tuesday, 8 July 2014

Silva Ultramind ESP system's workshop Feedback ....Facilitator ( Sahar Gharachorloo)

Feedbacks from Silva Ultramind ESP Systems Workshop- Chandigarh - July 2014 

My experience during the workshop was very profound, each and every meditation was healing and i could feel my energies opening up.All the exercises and practices were very very encouraging and i feel very confident that Silva Ultramind will open up a whole new aspect /dimension to my healing practice.

Amrita A. ~ Chandigarh/ Healer

It is a wonderful workshop based on a lot of meditations to program our mind and to improve our ESP. Ms.Sahar is a wonderful , friendly and full of knowledge Master. God bless her. It is a nice experience spending time in the two days workshop which was very well managed.Thank you .

Pooja Jain~ Jalandhar/ Founder Hoilistic Healing

I have had a great experience with Sahar. She is very helpful , I feel I am in the right place now, Its a God's gift , It was a wonderful experience and I am thrilled with the Psychometery abilities and how I could do remote viewing .

Sangeet Mann ~ Sirhand/ Seeker

Sahar taught very patiently , I could follow all meditations and easily reach my center however my remote viewing skills still needs practice, on the whole it was great to be a part of this workshop.

Gurmeet Singh A. ~ Chandigarh / MD group Companies

It was a great experience, most importantly i have become more confident of myself. Thanks Sahar!

Sunday, 29 June 2014

Silva Ultra Mind ESP Systems Workshop - New delhi - July 2014

" Silva Ultra Mind ESP Workshop - (Silva USA certified )"

Workshop essence and how it can help you :

• Success in business and Personal Life
• Fast Relaxation and Concentration in less than 10 seconds
• Develop Your Creativity &Talents using Your Natural Inner Senses
• Improve your Memory & get better work/study results.
• Alpha and Theta Healing
• Learn how to develop your Natural Psychic Inborn ability's (ESP), Psychometry -
Remote Viewing – Telepathy
• Using Your intuition to make better and right decisions.
• Develop Self Confidence

Date: 26th & 27 th July 2014
Timing : 9:30 am - 6 pm
Venue: New Delhi
** Registration would close on 15th July 2014

Contact for registration : 9041100777 or e-mail : ""

Monday, 16 June 2014

Silva Ultramind ESP System Workshops Schedule ~Chandigarh with Sahar Gharachorloo ( Silva UltraMind ESP Instructor , Law of Attraction Trainer , Past Life regression Therapist, Inner child Therapist and Energy healer and facilitator of more than 25 Holistic healing Modalities)

" Silva Ultra Mind ESP Workshop - (Silva USA certified )"

Workshop essence and how it can help you :

• Success in business and Personal Life
• Fast Relaxation and Concentration in less than 10 seconds
• Develop Your Creativity &Talents using Your Natural Inner Senses
• Improve your Memory & get better work/study results.
• Alpha and Theta Healing
• Learn how to develop your Natural Psychic Inborn ability's (ESP), Psychometry -
Remote Viewing – Telepathy
• Using Your intuition to make better and right decisions.
• Develop Self Confidence

Date: 5th & 6th July 2014
Timing : 9:30 am - 6 pm
Venue: Sector 51 A , Chandigarh
** Registration would close on 1st July 2014

Contact for registration : 9041100777 or e-mail : ""

Sunday, 15 June 2014

Spirituality & Suffering ....Sahar Gharachorloo

We are on earth as we have chosen this physical reality and unless we experience all that is required to experience in order to complete our experience we would not become whole ....It's not necessary to suffer but unless we suffer and understand the wisdom we would not know that "it's not necessary to suffer to experience oneness ".

Monday, 9 June 2014

Walk with your child not for your child ...Spiritual Parenting !! Sahar Gharachorloo ( Inner Child Therapist, Past Life regression therapist ,Silva Ultra Mind ESP & Law of Attraction Instructor , Life Coach and Energy healer with over 25 Modalities )

When I was just 4 or maybe 5 years old something happened in the family , it was the wee hours of the morning, I woke up to a huge noise and was petrified to see what was going on dad's illness is my childhood memory , that night's events changed my whole life and I grew up , I vowed that I would take care of everyone and would set everything right once again ....I wanted to become a nuroe-surgeon , I don't really know where did I pick that from but I had to cure my dad, I know I became the parent to my parents and my siblings , from that day on I was on a mission to set everything right.
I grew up and I actually fulfilled my self-declared duties as a parent to everyone, I made my brothers do homework, taught them how to behave , at 14 I talked about biological needs of men n women to a younger and inquisitive brother, when he was 14 I explained abt AIDS , intimacy etc ....I would do the same for a 4.5 year older brother too....
Soon I was a mother to my mother and stood by her and made her take some really tough decisions , my friends started to call me granny when I was 17 and friend's patents started to trust me with their daughters ....I went on giving , I went on playing a role that was not mine . Since I was the mother now, in relationships I started to look for a person who would fill the role of my father not my partner ....I kept on finding friends who needed a mother n a care taker not a friend and I wondered why do I have friends who are always dependant on me .
And one day something happened ,abt 8 years ago which forced me to look for myself, it took me many years and many learnings , many hours of introspections , so much of self work to realize who I was , I was not the mother, not the the granny , not the social worker , I was ME.
I realized I lost my childhood that night , I realized I never played as a child , I realized the more I wanted to heal n help others as a healer and as a therapist or as a friend and as a sister or a daughter or a mother how much I was going away from myself and also others. I realized you can only help and heal those who truly want to be healed, you can not force anyone to become better or worse, you just need to be there .

Now I see many parents who come to me who are worried about their children , I see siblings coming to me wanting to help another sibling....and I remember myself.
It's painful to see a dear one in pain but unless he takes the medication he won't get rid of pain , you can't have the medicine on someone's behalf and expect them to heal.

I see parents telling their elder child that take care of your brother/ sister ....Parents who keep making choices and decisions for their children , trying to control them, they do it out of care and worry but I think it's time we watch our thoughts , we watch how we raise our kids , it's time we realize a child is another being with his or her own journey , we can walk with them , we can't walk their path for them .
Realize a child needs to learn his own lessons , go through his own journey ....we should give them what they need and walk with them holding their hand when they need us, helping them to be back on their feet when they go through tough lessons , we can't tell them what path to choose .....Wake up to spiritual parenting ....let's raise beautiful beings , let's nurture the soul as much as we nurture their physical n material needs , that's what would make a difference!!!

Saturday, 31 May 2014

Living our Truth .....Sahar Gharachorloo (Silva Ultra Mind ESP & Law of attraction trainer, Inner Child , Past Life regression Therapist, Rebirthing breathworker , Reiki Grandmaster, Pranic healing , Crystal healing , dowsing , crystal ball gazing , coffee cup reading practitioner and facilitator)

It is important we live our truth !!!

As a therapist, I often come across people who live not their truth but someone else', we often do this to be accepted, to be loved , to be paid attention to or even as a defense mechanism to avoid circumstances that we do not want to be in.
When we do not get what we want or as a child (this can be from the very conception, the womb memories or even till age of 21)we have been rejected too often or not been given similar attention as other siblings in our growing years, when there have been too many comparisons that made us feel small or useless or not wanted enough , it can also happen when the adult in us feels he has not been understood or is tired of trying to put his point across or is too weak to hurt his partner or kids.
This is a result of emotional and mental dysfunction , the person creates a escape root and usually these are physical illnesses or mental conditions where the family and friends have no choice but to accept them .
In a case , a young man was diagnosed with a mental condition and he was on medication for 12 Years , his medicine dose would vary from 10 tablets a day to even 31 , when we finished consultation I realized he was living a created reality not his truth, the truth was his elder brother , a known sports figure was been given all the attention by the mother since the age of 4 and he was often left behind as the mother would accompany the elder child on tours so he developed a condition to get mother's unconditional n undivided love and that was continuously falling sick or being in a condition that the mother could not leave him behind.
In another case a grown up woman, married with kids had sleep disorder and had to use a machine while sleeping , after consultation it was known that she has created this reality to avoid intimacy with husband and this was not her truth either.

Our mind is a very powerful tool and can go to any extent to manipulate our existence, the body on the other hand is very simple , it gives you straight , simple , valid signals ....All that we need to do is to listen to it and as per what we are getting we can question the mind and stop it when it is leading us to live someone Else's reality .....this is easy too just calm the mind down , be in allowance of yourself instead of confronting yourself, stop judging yourself and your mind too would be honest with you .