I wish the same way we were taught to do maths and physics in schools we were taught what's the truth of life .
I wish we were taught how to love , how to live and how to be aware beings instead of just teaching us how to compete more ,how to collect more and how to have more ...
I wish instead of 4 hours in a week for maths we had spent 40 minutes teaching kids that they are the creators , that there is enough for everyone on this planet ,that there is abundance of everything, that we are responsible for ourselves and each other , that life was about being more not having more , that we can have it all if we know how to live more.....

I wish instead of spending 2 hours in d class and learn social studies they would make us go 15 minutes on the road and teach us how we can be of help to the society , the society that is infected with jealousy , competition ,lack of humanity ....
Instead of making us know where Africa is and how hungry their people are they would take us on the roads and help us feed a poor .
Instead of asking parents to get more fancy stuff to share in class they would ask parents to send extra food to help a needy kid on the way to school ....
It's amazing how much we all can do yet we all sit back and watch ...
I wish...
NO !!!! I no more wish , I am going to do my bit , what about you ????