Friday, 18 July 2014

Workshop on Law Of Attraction ....July 2014- New Delhi (Sahar Gharachorloo)

Usually we pray when we are sad, upset and frustrated , let's pray when we are happy , not because we need to please God, Universe or whoever we pray to but because when we pray while being sad we are praying from the emotion of sadness so we create more sadness ....Universe and it's laws are very simple but our beloved limited brain makes it complicated . Let's think!! have you ever seen an Apple tree come to fruitation and then create orange ? It's not possible ....So the seed of sadness too can only create Sadness .

Pray for what you want when you are happy and you would receive it happily and you would create more happiness....

Happy creating !!!!
Law Of Attraction works only if you know how to apply it !!

Workshop on "Law of Attraction"

This workshop will open your eyes, Touch your Heart and will change your life for ever.
This beautiful one day workshop focuses on :
**Understanding "The Secret" of achieving all that you desire
Discovering your true potential and uncovering your own ocean of possibilities.
**Attracting positive & healthy relationships and improving the existing ones.
**Goal prioritizing & techniques to achieve both personal n professional Goals.
**Money blue print & understanding our relationship with money & how to create more money.
**Developing your 6th sense exercise
** learn to make your own affirmation and how to change your thought process for a healthier you and healthier life.
** chakras and chakra balancing exercise.

Date: 28th & 29th July
Time: 10 am to 6 pm.
Venue : New Delhi
EE: 11000

With Sahar Gharachorloo